Blog Topic


Introducing Point Debit Forecast Feature
Introducing Point Debit Forecast: Your Guide to Automated Point Spending

Discover how Point Debit Forecast optimizes your Applauz rewards program by predicting automated point allocations. Learn more and get started today!


  2 min read

10 Reasons Why E-commerce Plugins Fall Short for Employee Rewards
10 Reasons Why E-Commerce Plugins Fall Short for Employee Rewards

Learn why e-commerce plugins lag in rewarding employees compared to Applauz's holistic, personalized engagement approach.

Product   Employee Recognition  

  2 min read

Employee Gifting with Vouchers vs Points
Service Awards or Work Anniversaries: What’s the Perfect Program for Your Organization?

Discover the perfect gifting program for your organization with Applauz! Choose between vouchers or points to celebrate employee achievements, milestones, and work anniversaries.

Product   Employee Recognition  

  3 min read

Holiday Gifts for Coworkers

Craft a thoughtful gift-giving program for the holidays. Learn how to personalize gifts, set a budget, and plan logistics for a memorable celebration.


  6 min read

Enhancing Your Recognition Strategy With Badges

Discover how Applauz Recognition Badges shape values-driven cultures, foster inclusion, and boost morale. Unlock your recognition program's potential!

Product   Management   HR Strategy  

  5 min read

Applauz version 2 software shown on a laptop screen and mobile phone.
Applauz Debuts Exciting New Release After Two Years of R&D

Discover the highly anticipated launch of Applauz Version 2, a revolutionary employee engagement platform with new features and enhancements to boost productivity and decrease turnover. Read more!

Product   Applauz News  

  2 min read

Real Recognition Examples from Applauz to Inspire Your Recognition-Giving

You are invited behind the scenes to see examples of how the Applauz team gives recognition to each other.

Product   Employee Recognition  

  4 min read

wellness challenges
How Applauz Uses “Wellness Challenges” to Keep Its Employees Connected and Happy

Here's how Applauz keeps its remote employees connected with wellness challenges facilitated by the Applauz Newsfeed!

Product   Employee Engagement  

  4 min read

8 Simple Tips To Boost Your Applauz Program’s Adoption Rate

Are some employees slow to adopt Applauz? Don't worry. Here are some proven tips to help boost adoption and get people excited about recognition!

Product   HR Strategy  

  7 min read

How to Improve your Pulse Survey Themes on Applauz

Scored low on a Pulse Survey theme? Don't worry! Here are our most popular articles to help you improve employee engagement.


  10 min read

6 Tips to Help Automate Your Applauz Program for Easy Management

Learn how Applauz administrators can manage their recognition program more effectively by including these automatons. 


  3 min read

3 Ways Applauz Can Help With Your Employee Wellness Initiatives

Discover how Applauz can help your HR team support and promote their employee wellness initiatives.


  4 min read

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