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Employee Recognition (4)

5 Research-Based Ideas to Boost the Impact of Workplace Appreciation

The psychology of reward-giving can help HR leaders and managers uncover insights and understand how to boost the impact of workplace appreciation.

Employee Recognition  

  7 min read

Types Of Employee Recognition: It's Not as Difficult as You Think

Let's examine the weaknesses and benefits of different types of employee recognition so that managers can maximize the value of appreciation at work.

Employee Recognition  

  4 min read

Employee Recognition Letter Samples for the Perfect Celebration

Here are a few employee recognition letter templates, perfect for expressing your appreciation for occasions like work anniversaries and other events.

Employee Recognition  

  2 min read

37 Reward Ideas for Every Employee in Your Company

Rewards and recognition are key drivers of employee engagement. Here is a list of employee reward ideas to help you express your appreciation.

Employee Recognition  

  11 min read

work anniversary ideas for employees
14 Fun Work Anniversary Ideas for Employees

Here are a few fun and easy work anniversary ideas to make employees or colleagues feel special and appreciated!

Employee Recognition  

  5 min read

How to Build an Outstanding Work Anniversary Program

These tips will help HR professionals launch an employee service awards program that delivers a personalized and thoughtful experience.

Employee Recognition  

  4 min read

Employee Appreciation and Recognition Message Examples
95+ Employee Appreciation and Recognition Message Examples

Say "thank you" with these employee appreciation message examples and improve workplace culture, increase retention and boost engagement

Employee Recognition  

  15 min read

7 Proven Tips for Managers to Give Better Recognition in the Workplace

Giving recognition to employees doesn't have to be so hard, with these tips any leader can do so in an impactful way, leading to more employee engagement.

Employee Recognition  

  6 min read

14 Statistics That Prove the Importance of Employee Rewards Programs

Let's explore some employee rewards program statistics to prove just how important it is to recognize and celebrate employee accomplishments.

Employee Recognition  

  3 min read

How to Easily Leverage the Power of Gratitude at Work

Expressing the power of gratitude at work is a wonderful way to promote stronger bonds between people, leading to higher happiness and engagement.

Employee Recognition  

  4 min read

years of service programs for employees
What Modern Years of Service Platforms Must Include

The inclusion of a Years of Service Platforms in your overall recognition strategy is critical to maintaining the loyalty of all your employees.

Employee Recognition  

  2 min read

what type of rewards motivate employees
Why Are Employees Motivated by Non Cash Incentives and Rewards

Common knowledge suggests that employees prefer cash rewards. But studies show non cash incentives can be just as powerful in raising employee motivation.

Employee Recognition  

  3 min read

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