How to Navigate the Applauz Newsfeed

Learn how to navigate the Applauz homepage and newsfeed.

Characteristics of the Newsfeed

When you log into Applauz, the first thing you see is the company Newsfeed.

It’ll look something like this:


Filtering Newsfeed Posts by Department or Team

By default, you will see all posts on the Newsfeed in chronological order -- the most recent ones at the very top.

But, anyone can control what they see on their Newsfeed. This way, they can see posts from only the departments or teams relevant to them.

To filter posts, click on the three little dots to the right of the Newsfeed bar.


The Employee Profile card

On the left panel, you’ll find your employee profile card.

The card gives you a quick snapshot of the status of your profile with the following information:

  • Total Points earned
  • Total Recognition received
  • Badges earned


The Workplace Card

The Workplace Card is located to the right of the Newsfeed. This is where you'll find a global snapshot of the statistics associated with your Recognition Program, such as:

  • Total Points awarded
  • Total Recognition messages given
  • Total Badges awarded
  • The Top 3 participants over the last 30 days are also showcased at the bottom of the card
