Managing Roles on Applauz

There are three default participant Roles on Applauz:

  • Administrators
  • Managers
  • Employees

If you click on the Employees > Roles menu you'll be directed to a page that displays these three default Roles.

Clicking on any of the cards displays a list of names. These are the participants assigned to that Role. 

Creating new Roles

If you wish to add a custom Role (other than the default one's available) you can click on '+New Role' in the top right corner of the application screen.

You will be asked to give the new Role a name and hit 'Save.' That's it!

Adding or removing members from a Role

Normally Roles are assigned upon the initial creation of a new user profile.

But, you can add/remove program participants from a specific Role anytime. Navigate to Employees>Roles and click on the Role you want to modify.

This action is useful to add multiple participants to a Role at once.

When you come to the list, click on the green arrow to add participants to the group, or the red arrows to remove them.

RememberAlways save changes by clicking on 'Save Users.' 

Managing permissions for any Role

By default, each Role is limited to perform certain actions and access certain features on Applauz, otherwise known as Permissions.

Naturally, the Administrators have the maximum level of permission. Applauz allows for flexibility, though!

Administrators can selectively grant Managers and Employees (or any custom Role) access to perform any actions available in the program.

To edit permission for a Role navigate to Employees>Roles.

Select the Role you wish to modify. Click on the 'Edit Permissions." This will open the permissions to be edited.

You'll be directed to a page where you will see all the default permissions that this Role currently has access to.

The blue toggle buttons indicate a permission is turned on. If the button is grey, it indicates that permission is off.

To grant access to a specific permission, just click on the grey buttons to toggle them on. Once permission is granted, the button will turn blue.