How to Recognize an Employee

1. Click on Newsfeed on the left-hand side

2. Click on the Who are you recognizing field

3. Select either employee(s), Department(s) or Team(s) to recognize

Note: you can select multiples of the aforementioned.

4. Once you've chosen who to recognize, click Select

5. Click on Everyone on the top right-hand side of the modal to review and edit the visibility of this recognition

6. Click Done when you're finished editing the visibility

7. Write your recognition in the open field

8. Add en emoji to your recognition by clicking on the 😊

9. Add a Badge by clicking on Select badges

Note: you can select multiple badges

10. Add Points by clicking in the field containing a 0

11. Click Done once you've finished adding your badges and points

12. Click on Recognize to publish the recognition on the Newsfeed.

Extra: Adding a photo, video or File

1. Add a photo/video or file to the recognition by clicking on the Photo/Video or File button below the recognition. 

2. Select the photo, video or file you wish to add to the recognition by double-clicking on it or clicking once and clicking Open.

Extra: Adding a Gif

1. Add a GIF to the recognition by clicking on GIF.

2. Write an idea of what you're recognizing the employee for in the search bar, and click on the GIF you wish to use to select it.

Extra: Adding a Poll

1. Add a Poll to a recognition by clicking on Poll.

2. Follow these instructions on how to create a Poll.