Pulse surveys answers

A few things to know about how pulse survey answers are collected and how this will affect the data that you see:

Pulse surveys always start on Sundays

Every Sunday, new questions are randomly selected and assigned to each user that should answer pulse survey questions. This is called a “cycle,” which can be any frequency the configuration is set to (weekly, biweekly, etc.).

What is an answer and what isn’t

Skipping a question (by clicking on the “skip” button) is an answer. The answer is “skipped,” and it’s considered a participation in the surveys. However, not answering a question will not count in any stats as an answer.


If you’ve answered any question in your cycle, you are considered to have participated in the cycle.

When are the results calculated

At the end of each cycle, the results are calculated and aggregated. This means that they will be available and show on the pulse surveys dashboards only at the end of the cycle.

Please note that you can always contact your engagement specialist if you have any questions about the Pulse Survey.


Overall Score

  • This is the overall score of all answers.

How this data is calculated

  • Only answers without skipped questions are included. Any non-answer is excluded.
  • All individual question scores, regardless of their themes

Possible results:

  • Exceptional (scores 9–10; green)
  • Favourable (scores 7–8; green)
  • At-risk (scores 5–6; yellow)
  • Unfavourable (scores 3–4; yellow)
  • Problematic (scores 0–2; gray)

Needs more responses

  • This is shown when there aren’t enough responses to provide an accurate score.

The overall score is calculated based on the average score of all answers (except skipped). It is not the average of all themes' scores.

eNPS Score

  • This is the employee Net Promoter Score based on answers given to the eNPS questions. The label that is shown is what the majority of the organization is (in this screenshot, the majority of employees are promoters). Opening, the breakdown shows the rest.

Possible results

  • Promoters (scores 9–10; green)
  • Passives (scores 7–8; yellow)
  • Detractors (scores 0–6; red)

Wellness Score

  • This score is the overall score of all answers to questions labeled “wellness questions”. This combines multiple questions from multiple themes that are related to physical and mental wellness.

These questions can be found with the following icon next to them on the Configuration page.

Motivation Score

  • This score is the overall score of all answers to questions labeled “motivation questions”. This combines multiple questions from multiple themes that are related to employee motivation.

These questions can be found with the following icon next to them on the Configuration page.

Theme scores

  • These scores are the overall score for each theme. You can filter by theme name and sort by their score or the changes between periods, in descending order.

When sorting by “score”, each of the themes are grouped in the following categories:

  • Doing well in (5-10)
  • Can improve (0-4.9)
  • Needs more responses

When sorting by “Change in Score”, each of the themes are grouped in the following categories:

  • Positive change
  • No change
  • Negative change
  • Needs more responses

Questions score indicators give a quick view of the score of each question in the theme.